The Handbook of Experimental Animals: The Laboratory Primate
By Wolfe-Coote, Sonia
Record number: | ee68f (legacy id: 7877) |

This volume details the past and present use of primates in biomedical research, and the husbandry, nutritional requirements, behaviour, and breeding of each of the commonly used species. Practical information on regulatory requirements is covered. Sections on experimental models cover the major areas of biomedical research, including AIDS, cancer, neurobiology and gene therapy. Assisted reproductive technology, tissue typing, and minimum group sizes for infectious disease/vaccine studies are also included.
Table of Contents: Part 1: Definition of the Primate Model; 1.1 The Taxonomy of Primates in the Laboratory Context; 1.2 Similarities of Non Human Primates to Humans; 1.3 General Anatomy; 1.4 Pathology; 1.4.1 Non infectious diseases; 1.4.2 Common Viral Infections; 1.4.3 Modelling Parasitic diseases in Non Human Primates: Malaria, Chagas Disease and Filariasis Philipp; 1.5 Reproduction: Definition of a Primate Model of Female Fertility; 1.6 Male Reproduction and Fertilization; 1.7 Primate Natural History and Social Behaviour: Implications for Laboratory Housing; Part 2: Primate Management; 2.1 New World Primates: 2.1.1 Husbandry and Management: Marmosets and Tamarins; 2.2 Old World Primates; 2.2.1 Practical Care & Management of Macaques; 2.2.2 Vervet Monkey Breeding; 2.3 Nutrition and Nutritional Diseases; 2.4 Environmental Enrichment & Refinement of Handling Procedures; 2.5 Development of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) Non Human Primate Colonies; 2.6 Medical Care; Part 3: Current Uses in Biomedical Research; 3.1 Factors affecting the choice of species; 3.2 Techniques & Procedures; 3.2.1 Anaesthesia; 3.2.2 Rigid Endoscopy; 3.2.3 Ultrasound Imaging in Rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and Long-tailed (Macaca fascicularis) Macaques: Reproductive & Research Applications; 3.2.4 Functional Magnetic Resonances Imaging in Conscious Marmoset Monkeys : Methods and Applications in Neuroscience Research; 3.2.5 Radiographic Imaging of Non Human Primates; 3.2.6 Imaging: Positron Emission Tomography (PET); 3.3 Current Uses in Biomedical Research; 3.3.1 The Use of the Primate Model in Research; 3.3.2 Chronic Diseases; 3.3.3 Practical approaches to Pharmacological Studies in Non Human Primates; 3.3.4 Non Human Primate Models of Human Aging; 3.3.5 Primate Models of Neurological Disease; 3.3.6 Genetics: A survey of Non Human Primate Genetics, Genetic Management and Applications to Biomedical Research; 3.3.7 The Respiratory System & its use in research; 3.3.8 Reproduction: Male; 3.3.9 Reproduction: Female; 3.3.10 The Baboon as an Appropriate Model for Study; 3.3.11 Virology Research; 3.3.12 Parasitic Diseases of Non Human Primates.
First Edition. 650 pages. Available as a Hardcover + eBook, Hardcover only and as an eBook only. Suitable for researchers and students in biological, veterinary and medicine sciences, researchers in pharmaceutical industry, commercial toxicological and pathology laboratories. This book is a Volume in the Handbook of Experimental Animals Series. Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier. Please see record numbers 6117 and 6134 and for other volumes in the same series.
ISBN: Hardcover: 978-0-12-080261-6; eBook: 978-0-0804-5416-0
Price: Hardcover + eBook: EUR 258.00; Hardcover only: EUR 230.00; eBook only: EUR 225.00
Year: 2005
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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