The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique

By Russell, W.M.S. & Burch, R.L.


This book, written by William Russell and Rex Burch, sets out the philosophy of the 3Rs; Refinement, Reduction and Replacement, regarding the use of animals in scientific experiments. It was first published by Methuen in 1959, and then reprinted in 1960 by Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois, but it went out-of-print. In 1992 the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) re-issued the book.

A modernised and abridged version of this book by Michael Balls, called The Three Rs and the Humanity Criterion, was published in 2009 and can be downloaded free of charge.

The UFAW 1992 edition was also a recognition of the Russell and Burch Award instituted by the Humane Society of the United States, which recognises outstanding contributions to the advancement of alternatives to the use of animals in research, testing or education.

Table of Contents:
Part One: The Scope of Humane Technique; Foreword to Special Edition; Preface: Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: The Concept of Inhumanity; Chapter 3: The Ecology of Experimental Animals; Chapter 4: The Sources, Incidence, and Removal of Inhumanity;
Part Two: The Progress of Humane Technique; Chapter 5: Replacement; Chapter 6: Reduction; Chapter 7: Refinement; Chapter 8: The Factors Governing Progress;
Tables; References and Source Index; Addendum.

Most of this version from 1992 may be read online at CAAT's website.

ISBN: 0-900767-78-2 (ISBN-13: 978-0900767784).
UFAW, Wheathampstead, UK: 238 pages.
It is likely to be difficult to obtain a paper copy of this publication (link to Amazon).

Year: 1992

This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
This page was updated on 08 October 2024

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