UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals, Volume II: Amphibious & Aquatic Vertebrates & Advanced Invertebrates
By Poole, Trevor
Record number: | 7f766 (legacy id: 6051) |
The definitive work on practical husbandry, breeding, laboratory procedures and disease control for a wide variety of vertebrates from marine fish to non-human primates. Contents: Part 1: The Captive Environment Life Support Systems for Aquatic Research Centres; Part 2: Vertebrates Introduction to Fish; Freshwater Fish; Marine Fish; Amphibians; Aquatic Reptiles; Part 3: Invertebrates Cephalopods; Decapod Crustaceans References; Index.
Seventh Edition. Volume II. 46 illustrations. 208 pages. Hardback. Part of a two-volume set. Sold only as a set at Blackwell Publishing. Please see record numbers 6588 for Volume I and 7062 for the two-volume set. This book has now been replaced by the Eighth Edition. A review of this handbook is available in Laboratory Animals, April 2000, Volume 34 (2), page 223. Available from Amazon.
Year: 1999
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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