Veterinary Medical Specialization: Bridging Science and Medicine, Volume 39

By Dodds, W. Jean

Veterinary Medical Specialization

Recent trends toward specialization in veterinary medicine parallel similar trends in the practice of human medicine. W. Jean Dodds, the new editor of Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine, has brought together recognized authorities to integrate the legal and ethical implications generated by the issue of specialization. Routine and specialized veterinary practices, including genetic screening, are now associated with clinical trials. This book establishes the links between specialization in the veterinary sciences and the factors that influence the use of animals in basic science and medicine.

Comments & References: 303 Pages. e-Book. Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier. Volume 39: Veterinary Medical Specialization. This book can be ordered online from Elsevier. Also available from Amazon. 

eBook ISBN: 9780080526539

Price: Sale: €46.70

Year: 1995
This page was updated on 01 February 2022

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