
EU3Rnet is a network of European centres working to promote one or more of the three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments.

EU3Rnet is a network of European centres working to promote one or more of the three Rs: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal experiments.

EU3Rnet was founded in 2018, following an initiative by Professor Winfried Neuhaus at the Linz congress organised by EUSAAT.

The network published a consensus statement in 2021, signed by 24 centres, describing its aims. More centres are being added to the network on an ongoing basis.

The countries affiliated to EU3Rnet can be visualised on Norecopa's interactive global map of 3R centres and associations. A simple list of 3R centres can be accessed here.

EU3Rnet published a comprehensive paper in the journal ATLA in May 2022, describing the rise of 3Rs centres and platforms in Europe. Norecopa's Secretary was one of the 65 co-authors of this paper. The first of a series of papers, this article gives an overview of the European Three Rs centres and platforms, and their historical development. The subsequent articles, to be published over the course of ATLA's 50th Anniversary year, will summarise the current focus and tasks as well as the future and the plans of the Three Rs centres and platforms.

EU3Rnet also considers it important to focus on Non-Animal Methods (NAMs) as part of its collaborative efforts. EU3Rnet will therefore endeavour to promote this approach, so that researchers do not consider animal models by default when answering research questions, and instead consider the range of Non-Animal Methods available, in order to avoid the unnecessary use of animal experimentation.

The network disseminates information on NAMs and advances related to the 3Rs to its members, who in turn will disseminate the information further through their communication channels.

EU3Rnet emphasizes the importance of involving all members of the research animal community in these efforts.

The network applied for, and was granted, funds for a COST Action entitled IMPROVE (3Rs concepts to improve the quality of biomedical science), a 4-year project which was officially launched on 21 October 2022.

Prior to the formation of EUR3Rnet, meetings of 3R centres were held at EURL ECVAM, Ispra, in 2015 and 2016. The minutes of these meetings are available.


This page was updated on 24 May 2024

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