R2N network

The R2N (Replace and Reduce) network is based in Lower Saxony, Germany.

The R2N (Replace and Reduce) network is based in Lower Saxony, Germany.

The network encompasses 15 different research groups within 5 institutions in Hannover and Göttingen. They aim at developing scientifically-sound alternative methods on all levels of biomedical science to either minimize the quantity of animals used, or to fully replace existing animal experiments.

Therefore, R2N research groups plan to implement methods in basic as well as in translational research. The projects cover infection biology, immunology, respiratory research, regenerative medical science, transplant and implant research, as well as toxicology and safety assessment. Furthermore, two projects – closely cooperating with the other groups – focus on ethical and juridical aspects related to the acceptance and implementation of alternative methods in research and regulation.

Here is an overview of European 3R Centres.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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