Anaesthesia Images, Volumes 1 and 2

Anaesthesia Images, Volumes 1 and 2 (combined) was a collection of colour images taken from the original British Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association (BLAVA) Slide Set, and an additional 150 images of assorted anaesthetic topics, primarily dealing with small mammal anaesthesia, equipment, drugs and with some large animal illustrations. Type of record: CD-ROM. Category: Anaesthesia (animal)


Anaesthesia Images, Volumes 1 and 2 (combined) was a collection of colour images taken from the original British Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association (BLAVA) Slide Set, and an additional 150 images of assorted anaesthetic topics, primarily dealing with small mammal anaesthesia, together with equipment, drugs and with some large animal illustrations. Included Amphibian, Bird, Cat, Dog, Drugs, Equipment, Ferret, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, Horse, Mouse, Pig, Primate, Rabbit, Rat, Reptile & Sheep.

This item was part of Digires (Digital resources for veterinary trainers), a collection of training tools (comprising videos and still photos) designed to be used in the teaching of correct handling, housing, anaesthesia, pain assessment, analgesia and surgery of laboratory animals. They were produced by the Flecknell laboratory at Newcastle University. The Digires website has now been closed down, and the resources are now incorporated into training materials on the Research Animal Training (RAT) website. The Digires image and video collections for tutors are no longer available, as many are now outdated. The Flecknell laboratory has also produced a large range of training materials on specific topics which are available at

Paul Flecknell has produced a book entitled Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia, suitable for those who are involved in laboratory animal anaesthesia. All images from this item could be found in lower on-screen resolution on Disc 6, entitled On Screen Image Collection. In addition, please see Anaesthesia Images, Volume 3, Disc 5.

This item may be borrowed for up to 6 weeks through the Alternative Loan System of the International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE), free of charge, but return postage must be paid by the person who has borrowed the product. Please note that there are practical limitations on where some items can be sent. Please contact and see for more information.

Computer type: Macintosh and Windows

Version: Version 2.0, July 2003; Version 1.0, January 2001

This page was updated on 23 January 2025

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