Cross-fostering Technique in the Rat

By Edel Holen & Kristin W. Prestrud

This website illustrates a cross-fostering procedure for rats shortly after delivery. Type: Web pages. Category: Management.

Description: This website illustrates a cross-fostering procedure for rats shortly after delivery. The aim of developing the technique was to create groups of offspring that were exposed to a chemical exclusively in utero or exclusively through lactation, in addition to a control group. Thus, the cross-fostering had to be performed before the pups started to suckle. Dams were temporarily removed from their litter shortly after delivery and before they started to nurse their young. Litters were exchanged between dams of different treatment groups. Dams were then returned to their home cages. All dams accepted their role as foster-mothers.

Comments & References: For more information on this website please see /teaching/rat/techniques/fostering/.

Price: Free of charge


Version: 2000

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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