Digital Dissection: Cat

Digital Dissection: Cat is an interactive, web-based dissection alternative where learning can take place anytime and anywhere.

Digital Dissection Cat

Digital Dissection: Cat is an interactive, web-based dissection alternative where learning can take place anytime and anywhere. Students appear in a virtual lab setting where they can conduct a preserved cat dissection, guided by Wendy Martin, a national award-winning science teacher. Available as an individual license, a classroom license, and a site license.

  • Utilize virtual dissection tools to complete the dissection and locate important structures.
  • Learn the structural anatomy and corresponding functions as they progress through each body system.
  • Answer assessment questions to check for understanding.
  • Can pause, rewind, or repeat scenes to maximize their comprehension (user-paced).
  • Using Carolina preserved specimens, this dissection was recreated in great detail. The true-to-life practice thoroughly covers each step of the dissection procedure, just as students would do if they were dissecting an actual specimen in the classroom. 


  • Internet connection
  • Optimized for desktop computers and laptops
  • Preferred browser: Google Chrome™

Choose between:

#399614: Digital Dissection: Cat, Individual License, $5.95
#399615: Digital Dissection: Cat, Classroom License, $129.00
#399616: Digital Dissection: Cat, Site License, $369.00

Please see Digital Dissection: Fetal Pig and Digital Dissection: Invertebrates

For comparison: 
Anatomy Corner: Gallery of Cat Dissection
Carolina® Cat Dissection Mat

$5.95 - $369.00

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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