Rabbit Anatomy Poster

This poster is a valuable reference tool, including 7 drawings and 6 images of rabbit anatomy. Type of record: Chart/Diagram. Category: Anatomy

Rabbit Anatomy Poster 9310

This poster is a valuable reference tool, including 7 drawings and 6 images of rabbit anatomy. The drawings and images illustrate the skeleton, cervicothoracic structures, heart and circulatory system of the thorax and abdomen, gastrointestinal system, male and female urogenital systems, and ear vessels.

Comments & References: Measures 33 x 40 inches. Suitable for research scientists, laboratory technicians, high school and college science students. For purchasing this poster, please click here.
Item: 06-00010
Price: List Price: US$30.00; Member Price: US$20.00
This page was updated on 20 January 2020

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