2-Legal issues

  1. Does the project involve procedures at or above the threshold for a regulated procedure, or can these procedures be refined to bring them under the threshold, for example by refining methods of identification?
  2. Are there specific statements in the legislation concerning this type of research which must be attended to?
  3. Is the project also affected by other legislation, for example animal transport, the use of genetically altered animals, infectious agents, ionising radiation or carcinogens, and the treatment of hazardous waste?
  4. Are there already local, national, regional or international guidance documents or ethical statements on the implementation and legal issues related to this type of research?

Dialogue with local competent persons and, if necessary, with the regulatory authorities, is an important part of this step, not least in order to allocate responsibility for attending to these issues.

General principles
For fish researchers
This page was updated on 08 March 2024

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