Mimicky Mouse: Experimental Procedure Simulator

The Mimicky Mouse is a simulator where users can practise handling and restraint, oral administration, blood sampling, and intravenous injection technique. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Medicine

Mimicky Mouse Simulator

The Mimicky Mouse is a simulator where users can practise handling and restraint, oral administration, blood sampling, and intravenous injection technique. Comes in a package including: 1 Mimicky Mouse Body (approx. 70 x 39 x 31mm), detachable 1 Mimicky Tail (approx 130mm), Baby Powder (100g), Lubricant Oil (50ml) and a User Guide (4 pages).

Suitable for all those working with mice in the laboratories.

Avoid storing the simulator in high temperatures or direct sunlight.

Links to the product at: Braintree Scientific and VetTech Solutions Ltd.

Price: Please contact supplier

Please also see an overview of homemade educational materials.

See also these lists of rat simulators and mouse simulators.

This page was updated on 15 September 2022

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