Further reading
- Experiences with rehoming lab animals (Pascalle Van Loo) - recording of a workshop on 21 November 2024 at Lund University (lecture by Daniel Rolke in Swedish)
- OrionPharma's experiences with rehoming dogs
- LASA (2004): Guidance on the rehoming of laboratory dogs
- Wewetzer et al. (2023): The fate of surplus laboratory animals
- Hänninen & Norring (2020): The First Rehoming of Laboratory Beagles in Finland: The Complete Process from Socialisation Training to Follow-Up
- New homes for former lab animals: the UZH Rehoming Project; further reading:
- Advice on use, keeping alive and re-use of animals in research (UK Government, 2015)
- FELASA guidelines for the rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes (2023)
- Moons et al. (2023): Survey among FELASA members about rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes
- Rehoming programme by TARC (Translational Animal Research Center), Mainz
- Re-homing and setting free
- Skidmore & Roe (2020): A semi-structured questionnaire survey of laboratory animal rehoming practice across 41 UK animal research facilities
- Döring et al. (2017): How do rehomed laboratory beagles behave in everyday situations? Results from an observational test and a survey of new owners
- Guidelines on humane killing from the 3R Guide database
- Advice on euthanasia from the NC3Rs
- Carbone L et al. (2012) Assessing cervical dislocation as a humane euthanasia method in mice JAALAS, 51(3), 352-356
- Arluke AB (1988): Sacrificial Symbolism in Animal Experimentation: Object or Pet? Antrozoös, 2(2), 98-117
- Guidance on humane endpoints
- Assessing the humaneness of gas euthanasia techniques for laboratory rodents (Huw Golledge et al.)
- Let's Talk Euthanasia - a publication for animal technologists from the IAT. Also covers compassion fatigue.
Humane killing of fish is discussed on a separate page.