Platforms and Funds for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation

By Kleveland, Live

Platforms and Funds

In recent years an increasing number of countries and institutions have started to work for the implementation of the 3 R's, Replacement, Reduction and Refinement, as overruling principles for the use of animals in experimentation.   This report provides an overview of how other European countries manage their platforms and how the platforms are funded.   Table of Contents: Introduction; Acknowledgements; ecopa and European Consensus-Platforms for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation: Austria, Belgium, The Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The UK; Summary of Consensus-Platforms for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation; Funding of Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (same countries as mentioned above); Summary of Funds and Awards for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation; Links; References; Appendix.

First Edition. 28 pages. Softcover.   Language: English.   A report from The Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway, 2005.   Printed by Allkopi Fornebu.

The report is available here. This publication is part of a project financed by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to establish a platform for increasing implementation of the 3 R's in Norwegian research. Please see record numbers 7822, 7823 and 7829 for other reports in the same series.

ISBN: 82-7725-120-3

Year: 2005
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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