Den midlertidige plattformen arrangerte eller deltok på følgende møter:
- Conference about "Status and visions for a National Platform for Alternatives to animal experiments in Norway", 17th October 2006, Oslo, Norway (Norwegian meeting)
Background for the conference
Harmonisation of the Care and Use of Fish in Research
23rd - 26th May 2005, Gardermoen, Norway - Fish in research, a minisymposium arranged by Scand-LAS, 23rd September 2005, Oslo, Norway
"Kan laks lide - om fiskeoppdrettets etikk"
Norwegian meeting about ethics in the fish farming industry,
30th November 1999, University of Oslo, Norway
Recent meetings related to fish research in which members of this Centre have participated:
- World Congress on the Use of Animals in the Life Sciences
August 2005, Berlin, with the following poster presentations:
AquaNor 2005 exhibition
August 2005, Trondheim, Norway. One of the main topics of the stand organised by the Aquamedicine group at Adamstua was the use of fish in research.
3 handouts on the topic:
Fish are the most common research animals in Norway
Zebra fish model for functional genomics and aquatic biomedicine
Best practice for the care and use of fish
EAFP 12th International Conference
September 2005, Copenhagen
Health and welfare monitoring of fish used in research
Oral presentation by Renate Johansen: Abstract
Havbrukskonferansen 2006
Norwegian meeting for all fish-researchers in Norway.
Poster by Unni Grimholt on the topic
Tilgjengelighet og begrensninger mhp dagens forsøkslaks
Veterinære fagdager 2006
Norwegian meeting for veterinarians and other fish-health workers. Invited speakers on the topic "fish-welfare":
Hvordan har fisken det egentlig? (Svante Winberg)
Trenger vi mer eller mindre forsøksfisk? (Renate Johansen) -
AVFs høstkurs 2007 - Er stordrift bra for fisken? Fysiologi og adferd, slakting og økologisk drift. Renate Johansen deltok i arrangementskomiteen for møtet.
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