
Agricola is a bibliographic database produced by the U.S. National Agricultural Library and is a source of veterinary, laboratory animal and agricultural information.

The Agricola database, produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Library,  provides extensive coverage of the world's veterinary and laboratory animal medicine/science literature. Agricola indexes articles using thesaurus terms such as animal welfare, animal use alternatives, endpoints, as well as the broad category laboratory animals. Topics covered include animal welfare, veterinary analgesics and anesthetics, animal behavior, the 3Rs, animal husbandry, animal handling, as well as basic research in agricultural and related sciences.

Agricola is available free-of-charge here.

The NAL Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary is available in Spanish and English and can be searched here.

An Animal Use Alternatives Thesaurus has been developed by the U.S. Animal Welfare Information Center.
This page was updated on 27 July 2021

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