Norecopa maintains two lists of webinars and presentations within, or relevant to, Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare which have been recorded and made public. They are taken from Norecopa's list of past webinars and meetings:

  1. The page you are on lists all the available presentations in chronological order
  2.  A separate page lists these presentations according to the PREPARE checklist for planning animal research, making it easy to identify resources that are relevant to each topic on the checklist.

Please note: many webinars are recorded for the benefit of the registered attendees only. This may be the reason why a recording is not cited on this page. If in doubt, please contact the organiser, speaker or Norecopa.
So that you don't miss events that do not provide public recordings, visit Norecopa's International Webinars and Meetings Calendar regularly. It is updated several times a week.
Please also note that many of these links may be deleted by the webinar organiser after the event.

Do you know of a recorded webinar that is not on this list?
Please send details to Adrian Smith.
Several organisations and companies have collections of recorded, on-demand webinars. These include:

This page was updated on 24 January 2025

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Please contact us by email if you have any questions.

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