Norecopa is a member of ecopa, a European umbrella organisation for National Consensus Platforms (one per country) that have all four stakeholders in their governing body:

Norecopa has described the principles of consensus in a Norwegian-language paper in the Norwegian Veterinary Journal: Konsensus om dyreforsøk - Norecopas rolle.
Consensus - Wikipedia
Consensus is dependent upon communication. Carol Newton, the author of the Three S's, was asked if she could help the two sides (the proponents and opponents of animal research) better understand each other. She replied:
…I think the new generation of biologists…is embarking on a more quantitative orientation towards research. Almost inevitably, this will imply that they will attempt to define their terms better. When one does define one’s terms better and more exactly, one does communicate better. My feeling is that we all really have the same intent. I believe that good communication is going to be one of the things that will bring us together. Intent, though, is a human virtue, not a virtue of the computer.
- Neuhaus W (2021): Consensus Statement from the European Network 3R Centres (EU3Rnet). ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 38(1), pp. 138–139. doi: 10.14573/altex.2010061
- Neuhaus W et al. (2022): The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2022;50(2):90-120. doi:10.1177/02611929221099165
- Neuhaus W et al. (2022): The Current Status and Work of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 50(6):381-413. doi:10.1177/02611929221140909
- Bergersen B & Smith AJ (2010): Konsensus om dyreforsøk - Norecopas rolle (in Norwegian). Norsk veterinærtidsskrift, 122 (5), 313-317.
- Smith A (2024): Veien til konsensus om dyreforsøk - på tide å snakke om elefanten i rommet? (in Norwegian). Norsk veterinærtidsskrift, 136 (3), 144-147.
- Newton CM (1977): Biostatistical and biomedical methods in efficient animal experimentation. In: The Future of Animals, Cells, Models, and Systems in Research, Development, Education, and Testing 267-281, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., ISBN 0-309-02603-2
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