Norecopa's Board and Election Committee
Most of the information about Norecopa's Board and Election Committee is only available in Norwegian.
Profiles of Norecopa's Board Members
Minutes from the Board Meetings
Current members of Norecopa's Board:
Representatives for research and teaching (2024-2028)
Linda Andersen, Chair of the Board, Nofima Tromsø
deputy: Ewa Harasimczuk, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Representatives for industry (2024-2028)
Rolf Hetlelid Olsen, PHARMAQ
deputy: Tone Sundal Haganes, Vaxxinova
Representatives for government and regulatory authorities (2022-2026)
Janette Maria Carlsen, Chair of the Board, Norwegian Food Safety Authority
deputy: Gunvor Knudsen, Norwegian Food Safety Authority
Representatives for animal protection and welfare (2022-2026)
Åshild Roaldset, Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals
deputy: Anton Krag, Norwegian Animal Protection Alliance
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