This page contains a list of publications by Norecopa's staff since Norecopa was founded in 2007. These are taken from the individual Annual Reports, which also contain details of all the presentations made each year by Norecopa's Secretary. A few of these presentations are also available in pdf form in the list of presentations at meetings organised by Norecopa.

These publications are in addition to the over 120 newsletters issued by Norecopa.

  1. Smith A & Richmond J (2024): The Three Rs. In: UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals (9th Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  2. Smith A (2024): Veien til konsensus om dyreforsøk – på tide å snakke om elefanten i rommet? Norsk veterinærtidsskrift nr. 3, 136, 144-147.
  3. Naik N, Vadloori B, Poosala S, Srivastava Pratima, Coecke S, Smith AJ, Akhtar A, Clive R, Radhakrishnan S, Bhyravbhatla B, Damle M, Pulla VK, Hackethal J, Horland R, Li AP, Pati F, Singh MS, Occhetta P, Bisht R, Dandekar P, Bhagavatula K, Pajkrt D, Johnson M, Weber T, Huang J, Hysenaj L, Mallar B, Ramray B, Dixit S, Joshi S & Kulkarni M (2023): Advances in Animal Models and Cutting-Edge Research in Alternatives: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3Rs Research and Progress, Vishakhapatnam, 2022Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 51(4): 263-288.
  4. Fausak E, Funaro MC, Kepsel AC, Eldermire ERB, Foster M, Mears K, Crews ME, Brennan M, Currie GL, LaFollette MR, O'Connor A, Smith AJ, Wever KE & Fricke S (2023): Systematic reviews of animal studies - Report of an international symposium. Veterinary Evidence, 8(3).
  5. Janssens M, Gaillard S, de Haan JJ, de Leeuw W, Brooke M, Burke M, Flores J, Kruijen I, Menon JML, Smith A, Tiebosch IACW & Weijdema F (2023): How open science can support the 3Rs and improve animal research. Research Ideas and Outcomes 9:e105198.
  6. Naik N, Vadloori B, Poosala S, Srivastava Pratima, Coecke S, Smith AJ, Akhtar A, Clive R, Radhakrishnan S, Bhyravbhatla B, Damle M, Pulla VK, Hackethal J, Horland R, Li AP, Pati F, Singh MS, Occhetta P, Bisht R, Dandekar P, Bhagavatula K, Pajkrt D, Johnson M, Weber T, Huang J, Hysenaj L, Mallar B, Ramray B, Dixit S, Joshi S & Kulkarni M (2023): Advances in Animal Models and Cutting-Edge Research in Alternatives: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3Rs Research and Progress, Vishakhapatnam, 2022,. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 2023.
  7. Smith AJ (2023): Norecopa: A global knowledge base of resources for improving animal research and teaching. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10.
  8. Smith A (2023): Bruk av forsøksdyr i Norge fra 2018 til 2021. En analyse. Norsk veterinærtidsskrift nr. 5, 135, 302-309.
  9. Neuhaus W, Reininger-Gutmann B, Rinner B et al. (2022): The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 50(2):90-120.
  10. Neuhaus W, Reininger-Gutmann B, Rinner B et al. (2022): The current status and work of Three Rs centres and platforms in Europe. Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 50(6):381-413.
  11. Smith A (2015, updated 2022): Forsøksdyr (Animals in Research). In Forskningsetisk Bibliotek til de nasjonale forskningsetiske komitéene NENT / The Research Ethics Library of the National Research Ethics Committees. The opinion piece is available in both English and Norwegian.
  12. Smith AJ (2021): Norecopa: A database of 3R resources for better Science. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 4(s1).144
  13. Smith A (2021): A Path through the Jungle: Norecopa's 3Rs Resources. Laboratory Animal Science Professional, May 2021, pp. 14-15.
  14. Fry D, Smith A, Storey J, Bate S & Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2021): Design of Procedures and Experiments. In: Practical Handbook on the 3Rs in the Context of the Directive 2010/63. Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-128-21180-9. pp. 375-400.
  15. Smith AJ (2021): Planning Animal Experiments. In: Experimental Design and Reproducibility in Preclinical Animal Studies. Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-66147-2 pp.263-277.
  16. Smith AJ (2020): Guidelines for planning and conducting high-quality research and testing on animals. Laboratory Animal Research, 36(21).
  17. Utne-Palm, AC & Smith AJ (2020): Fish as Laboratory Animals. In: The Welfare of Fish. Springer Nature, ISBN 978-3-030-41675-1. p. 375-400.
  18. Smith AJ & Lilley E (2019): The Role of The Three Rs in Improving the Planning and Reproducibility of Animal Experiments. Animals, 9(11).
  19. Knudsen LE, Smith A, Törnqvist E, Forsby A & Tähti H (2018): Nordic Symposium on “Toxicology and Pharmacology without Animal Experiments - will it be possible in the next 10 years?" Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology.
  20. Reed B, Beatham S, Carter S, Clubb R, Garrod K, Gale M, Gomm M, Knight K, Lane J, Mathews F, Pimlott P, Smith A, Wilson R, Weyer U & Hawkins P (2017): Report of a RSPCA/APHA Meeting on the welfare of wild animals used in research. Animal Technology and Welfare, 16/1: 13-25.
  21. Smith AJ, Clutton RE, Lilley E, Hansen KEA & Brattelid T (2017): PREPARE: guidelines for planning animal research and testing. Laboratory Animals, 52(2): 135-141. DOI: 10.1177/0023677217724823
  22. Osborne NJ, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Ahluwalia A, Alam S, Brown M, Henderson H, de Leuuw W, Marsh M, Moher D, van Oort E, Rawle F, Riederer BM, Sanchez-Morgado J, Sena ES, Struthers C, Westmore M, Avey MT, Kalman R, O’Connor A, Sargeant J, Petrie A & Smith A (2017): Letter to the editor: round table unites to tackle culture change in an effort to improve animal research reporting. BMC Veterinary Research 13:314.
  23. Smith AJ & Hawkins P (2016): Good Science, Good Sense and Good Sensibilities: the Three Ss of Carol Newton. Animals, 6(11): 70.
  24. Smith AJ (2015): How can standardised reporting of animal research advance the 3Rs? Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 23(5): 543-550
  25. Smith AJ (2015): Have the 3Rs and alternatives been effectively explored? Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica, 23(6): 656-664
  26. Smith A (2014): Norecopa: using a national consensus-platform to promote the 3Rs. ALTEX (Alternatives zu Tierexperimenten), 3(1): 244
  27. Hawkins P, Clutton RE, Dennison N, Guesgen M, Leach Matt, Sharpe F, Simmons H, Smith A, Weyer U (2014): Report of an RSPCA/AHVLA meeting on the welfare of agricultural animals in research: cattle, goats, pigs and sheep. Animal Technology and Welfare, 13(1): 43-56.
  28. Dewi S; Aune T, Bunæs JAA, Smith A, Larsen S: The development of response surface pathway design to reduce animal numbers in toxicity studies. BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology, 15:18.
  29. Hansen KAA, Smith K, Smith A (2014): Evaluation of the multimediaroom/training clinic at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. 9th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Prague 24-28 August 2014.
  30. Hansen K, Smith K & Smith A (2014): Alternativer og supplementer til bruken av dyr i undervisningen ved Norges veterinærhøgskole. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift, 126(1): 15-18.
  31. Hawkins P, Dennison N, Goodman G, Hetherington S, Llywelyn-Jones S, Ryder K & Smith AJ (2011): Guidance on the severity classification of procedures involving fish. Laboratory Animals, 45, 219-224.
  32. Smith AJ & Bergersen B (2010): Konsensus om dyreforsøk - Norecopas rolleNorsk veterinærtidsskrift, 122: 313-317.
  33. Grimholt U, Johansen R & Smith AJ (2009): A review of the need and possible uses for genetically standardized Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in research. Laboratory Animals, 43. 121-126.
This page was updated on 01 July 2024

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