Education and training in laboratory animal science

Adequate education in the principles of modern Laboratory Animal Science, and species-specific training in the procedures to be used, are prerequisites for good animal welfare. Animals living in harmony with their surroundings will also deliver the most reliable scientific data in an experiment.

The requirements for education and training have changed dramatically over the years, not least due to changes in European legislation, which have triggered changes in Norwegian law. The changes in Norwegian legislation are described on a separate page.

Guidance on a Common Education and Training Framework to fulfil the requirements of EU Directive 2010/63 has been published by the EU Commission, including details of a modular system for reaching the learning outcomes.

FELASA accreditation of education and training courses in laboratory animal science according to the Directive 2010/63/EU

ETPLAS (Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science) provides an overview of courses in lab animal science (a flyer can be downloaded here)

LASA has compiled a DOPS website (Direct Observation of Procedural/Practical Skills). DOPS are a well-defined mechanism to measure the competence of an individual in a procedure or practical task.

EALAS (European Academy of Laboratory Animal Surgery)

ECLAM (European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine) - learning modules

Norecopa's Webinar and Meetings Calendar also contains information on upcoming courses, and past events (to give you an idea of the location of education providers).

Norecopa's overview of courses in Laboratory Animal Science, compendia, films and slide shows, and other teaching materials are described on other pages.

Centre for Laboratory Animal Training (CeLAT), Copenhagen

Courses offered by the Fondazione Guido Bernardini (FGB)

If you need guidance on planning animal research and testing, please see the PREPARE guidelines.

If you are looking for alternatives to animal use in education or training, please use the NORINA database.

Click here If you are looking for educational resources for schools, for example to write student essays about animal research.

Schoolchildren and students writing projects on the use of animals in research will find more information here and, among other places, in the section on Ethics.

Tours of laboratory animal facilities

ETRIS (Education and Training Resources in In-Vivo Sciences)

InVeST (International Veterinary Simulation in Teaching)

NOVICE (Network of Veterinarians in Continuing Education)

The Annual Veterinary Education Symposium (VetEd)

Further reading

Franco, Kerton & Lewis (2023): Education in laboratory animal science and the 3Rs

This page was updated on 09 September 2024

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