Sponsors of Norecopa's work

Norecopa receives core funding for the Secretary and basic running costs from the Government, via the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Norecopa has received additional financial support from many sources. Since this website consists partly of material from the old website of the Laboratory Animal Unit at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science (http://oslovet.nvh.no), this sponsor page also acknowledges the support given to the work performed at that Unit from 1991-2011 in developing and collecting resources concerning the 3Rs.

Norecopa is also very grateful to those institutions and individuals who are Full or Associate Members of Norecopa.

A one-page description of Norecopa for potential sponsors can be downloaded here.

The work of building Norecopa's current website would not have been possible without generous support from:

This page was updated on 04 August 2024

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