Rolf Hetlelid Olsen

Representative for industry

Rolf Hetlelid Olsen is an Authorised Fish Health Biologist and a College Engineer within Environmental and Aquaculture Technology, educated at the University of Bergen and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. Work experience from the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (2003-2011) and PHARMAQ, which is part of Zoetis (2011-), has given him good insight into the use of fish as research animals, both in laboratory and field studies, and in the importance of good research conditions.

Rolf works today as a researcher in the clinical division of PHARMAQ, and represents Zoetis in their global animal welfare committee. Since experiments with fish differ greatly from experiments with other animals, he is especially focused on ensuring solid experimental design in their research. This is particularly important in order to achieve reliable results from fish studies.

This page was updated on 16 May 2024

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