Please also see this section of the PREPARE guidelines
A collection of guidelines on humane killing of research animals
Approved methods of killing in Norway
Approved methods according to EU Directive 2010/63
Links to resources on humane endpoints
Other references
- Louis-Maerten & Shaw (2025): Ethical collection of animal cadavers for veterinary education
- 4th FVSO/UFAW Symposium (2024): Humanely Ending the Lives of Animals (abstracts, video recordings), 6-7 March 2024
- Clarkson et al. (2022): A review of methods used to kill laboratory rodents: issues and opportunities
- Flammer SA et al. (2019): Alternatives to Carbon Dioxide: Taking Responsibility for Humanely Ending the Life of Animals
- Steiner AR et al. (2019): Humanely Ending the Life of Animals: Research Priorities to Identify Alternatives to Carbon Dioxide
- Kongara et al. (2013): Electroencephalographic evaluation of decapitation of the anaesthetized rat
- First Newcastle Consensus Meeting on Carbon Dioxide Euthanasia of Laboratory Animals, 2006
- A Good Death? Report of the Second Newcastle Meeting on Laboratory Animal Euthanasia, 2013. (background material), 2013. With a focus on the welfare implications for mice, rats and zebrafish
- RSPCA Australia Knowledgebase: Low Atmospheric Pressure Stunning (LAPS) of poultry
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