Journals and online resources
Journals within Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare
AATEX (Alternatives to Animal Testing and EXperimentation) - until 2014
ALN (Animal Lab News) Europe
ALTEX (Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten)
Animal Lab News (ALN)
Animal Models and Experimental Medicine
Animal Technology and Welfare (journal of IAT and EFAT)
Animal Welfare (via LinkedIn)
ATLA (Alternatives to Laboratory Animals)
Comparative Medicine (previously Laboratory Animal Science)
Experimental Animals (Japan)
Experimental Biology and Medicine
ILAR Journal (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources) - theme issues
JAALAS (Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, formerly "Contemporary Topics")
Journal of Laboratory Animal Science (LASA India)
Lab Animal
Lab Animal Asia Pacific
Lab Animal Europe
Laboratory Animals, the International Journal of Laboratory Animal Science and Welfare
Laboratory Animal Research (LAR) (journal of the Korean Association for Laboratory Animal Science, KALAS, previously The Korean Journal of Laboratory Animal Science)
Laboratory Animal Science Professional (LAS Pro) from AALAS
LAMA Review (Laboratory Animal Management Association)
NAM Journal (New Approach Methodologies)
National Meeting Abstract Archives from AALAS
Norecopa newsletters
Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science
Tech3Rs (a newsletter for animal technicians from the NC3Rs)
Other Journals
- AMA Journal of Ethics (American Medical Association)
- Animal
- Applied Biosafety
- Apollon forskningsmagasin from the University of Oslo
- AWSELVA Journal (Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Association)
- Bulletin of Fish Biology
- Dose-Response
- European Journal of Wildlife Research
- -
- Food Ethics
- Forskningsetikk (Research Ethics, published by the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees)
- Frontiers Research Topics
- Genialt (the magazine of Bioteknologirådet, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board)
- International Journal of Negative Results
- ISI Web of Knowledge
- Journal of Animal Ethics
- Journal of the Association of Analytical Chemists (JAOAC)
- Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases
- Physiology Online
- PLoS Biology
- PLoS One
- ScienceMatters
- Scientific Reports
- Transgenic Research
- Veterinary Evidence
- Veterinary Pathology
- Veterinary Research
- Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow
- Wildlife Biology
- Wildlife Research
Journals for reporting negative results
Top Ten Journals to Publish your Negative Results
- The Missing Pieces: A Collection of Negative; Null and Inconclusive Results (PLoS ONE)
- F1000 Research
- Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis
- Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine (until September 2017)
- Journal of Negative Results - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
- Negative Results Scientific Journal
- PeerJ
- The All Results Journals
A Repository of negative results in animal experiments
Preprint services
- bioRxiv - preprint server for non-peer reviewed biology manuscripts
- medRxiv - preprint server for health sciences
Opinion: In Defense of Preprints (Sever & Inglis, The Scientists, 2021)
Figshare: repository for data sets, figures and other project material
Registered Reports (peer review before the results are known)
- Introduction to the concept (Center for Open Science)
- The Past, Present and Future of Registered Reports (Chambers & Tzavella, 2022)
- The Master Journal List from Clarivate and TOP (Transparency and Openness Promotion) from COS (Center for Open Science)
- British Medical Journals
- Free Medical Journals
- The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Bibliographical resources
PubMED Central (PMC): the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
BIOME, a collection of gateways to quality resources on the Internet within the health and life sciences, including OMNI, VETGATE, BioResearch, Natural Selection and AgriFor.
BioMedSearch: NIH/PubMed documents, theses and dissertations
ScienceDirect, the world's largest electronic collection of science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information
The BIBSYS databases (including ForskDok and ForskPro)
Semantic Scholar (free non-profit academic search engine)
Medical reference sites
AVMA Online, the home of NetVet and the Electronic Zoo (these are old collections, with many dead links)
Consultant, a diagnostic support system for veterinary medicine.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine.
Medline Plus: health and drug information for patients and families
Mednytt, evaluation of new diagnostic methods and treatment within human medicine, from the Norwegian Electronic Health Library
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), London.
The "Virtual" Veterinary Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide
Tox Town: Interactive guide to common toxic chemicals and their effect on health and the environment
Other resources
- RSPCA advice on Editorial policies of scientific journals regarding the use of animals
- Ethical approval of studies involving humans and other animals (statement from the Editors-in-Chief of Animal Welfare)
- Madden et al. (2024): Journeying Through Journals: The Publishing Process and How to Maximise Research Impact
- Neves et al. (2024): Impact of quality and transparency in scientific writing on the reduction of animal usage in experimental protocols: a review based in pertinent literature
- Guidance on authorship of scientific papers (University of Surrey, 2022)
- Reporting guidelines
- Chambers & Tzavella (2021): The past, present and future of Registered Reports
- Reporting the Results of an Animal-based Scientific Investigation - an edited version of a guide produced by Arieh Bomzon and presented at the 2016 FELASA Congress
- Jane (Journal/Author Name Estimator)
- Simple rules for concise writing (Hotaling, 2020)
- How to Edit Your Work (advice from PLOS ONE)
- Advice on manuscript preparation and submission, journal choice and peer review (from San Francisco Edit)
- Filling in the Scientific Record: The importance of Negative and Null Results
- Shamseer et al. (2017): Potential predatory and legitimate biomedical journals: can you tell the difference? A cross-sectional comparison
- Advice on how to share large data sets (from Springer Nature)
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of a poster presentation? (blog from San Francisco Edit)
- How to be a Peer Reviewer (Sage webinar series)
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