Transgenesis and animal welfare

By Moore, C.J. - Mepham, T.B.

The two main techniques used in biomedical research for the production of transgenic animals have several implications for animal welfare in terms of the Three Rs of Russell & Burch. Some are intrinsic to the transgenic objectives, while others relate to the effects of mutations, transgene expression, associated methodologies, and husbandry or production systems. All of these actual and potential implications for animal welfare demand serious consideration within a broad ethical analysis of the technology. In the light of the Three Rs, this may require a fundamental reappraisal of the processes by which such scientific procedures are approved.

Issued: May/June 1995

Journal Title: Alternatives to laboratory animals

ISSN: 0261-1929

Volume issue: 23 v. 3 no.

Pages: 380 - 397

AGRICOLA identifier: IND20542057
This page was updated on 11 February 2021

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