Comment: The Latest Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals Reveal Little Three Rs Progress in Great Britain in 2010

By Hudson, Michelle

The 2010 Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals showed that the level of animal experimentation in Great Britain continues to rise, with just over 3.7 million procedures being conducted. This is almost exclusively due to the sustained increase in the breeding and utilisation of genetically-altered animals. Here, the general trends in the species used and the numbers and types of procedures are reviewed. In addition, the impact of the recent Government announcement to ban testing of household products on animals is discussed, along with the implications of the fish becoming the second most frequently used animal in scientific research. Finally, concerns about primate use, the REACH System, cosmetics testing and the new EU Directive on the protection of laboratory animals are explained.

Issued: Sept. 2011

Journal Title: Alternatives to laboratory animals

ISSN: 0261-1929

Volume issue: 39 v. 4 no.

Pages: 403 - 411

Publisher: FRAME

AGRICOLA identifier: IND44627530
This page was updated on 11 February 2021

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