Basic Open Surgical Skills (BOSS)

Basic Open Surgical Skills (BOSS) is a flexible platform for basic surgical skill development. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Surgery

BOSS-10 5988

Basic Open Surgical Skills (BOSS) is a flexible platform for basic surgical skill development. BOSS is easy to clean and provides a platform for synthetic or cadaveric task modules and its ergonomic design creates a realistic tool for improving skills. Skill Development: Basic and advanced suturing; Knot tying under tension; Knot tying in depth. Features and Benefits: Durable multi-use platform can be used with any combination of materials; Ergonomic design teaches correct hand positioning; Small, portable platform perfect for simulation lab or home use. One BOSS platform includes: Knot tying; Knot tying under tension; Knot tying at depth; Tissue tensioning device; Open site with flexible fixation system.

Size: 17 x 13 x 4 inches. Weight: 3 lbs. See record numbers 5985 and 9280 for two simular products.

Item # BOSS-20

Price: $150.00

This page was updated on 06 December 2021

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