Canine Flashcard App

This app includes 3-D anatomical illustrations and descriptions of the dog's thorax and abdomen in a flashcard format. Type of record: App. Category: Anatomy

The Glass Dog

This app includes 3-D anatomical illustrations and descriptions of the dog's thorax and abdomen in a flashcard format. This app is a companion to the Glass Dog: Thorax and Abdomen program that includes interactive 3D anatomical models and narrated films.

Comments & References: Size: 14.6 MB. Suitable for learning and self-testing. Requires iOS 4.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5. To buy and download apps: Open in iTunes. For information on the Canine Flashcards Support, please click here.
Version: 1.2, May 15, 2013
Price: US$4.99 (available at the App Store)
This page was updated on 13 January 2020

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