Cow's Eye Dissection

The Cow's Eye Dissection is a product developed at the Exploratorium, San Francisco, and demonstrates the inside of an eye to show how the eye works. Type of record: Computer Program & Web pages. Category: Anatomy and Dissection (animal)

Description: The Cow's Eye Dissection is a product developed at the Exploratorium, San Francisco, and demonstrates the inside of an eye to show how the eye works. This product is not meant to replace a cow's eye dissection, but rather to enhance the experience. The web site is divided into 3 sections: Watch Online; Learn more about eyes; Do your own dissection. The user can watch colour photos and diagrams and 13 step-by-step video clips of an eye dissection. The web site explains the difference between sclera and cornea and the user can download step-by-step instructions (PDF file) on how to perform an eye dissection. Also includes a glossary of terms.

Comments & References: Please see for more information on this web site. This product requires Adobe Flash Player. Adobe Flash Player can be downloded free of charge. A demo is available here.

Price: Online: Free of charge

This page was updated on 11 December 2019

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