Equine Palpation Radiology Limb

This equine model, with a right distal forelimb, features a fully articulated skeleton

Equine Palpation Radiology Limb (1)

This equine model, with a right distal forelimb, features a fully articulated skeleton. The bone material is radiodense allowing for visualisation using radiography techniques. It consist of a soft, silicone skin that surrounds the tendons and ligaments, which can be felt through palpation.

The palpable joints includes the intercarpal, radiocarpal, fetlock and coffin joints. The full superficial and deep flexor tendon unit are readily palpable along the back of the cannon bone and on toward their insertions. Palpation of the suspensory ligaments and the palpable landmarks of the pastern are also featured.

Ability to attach the limb onto all new Equine Palpation/Colic simulator that feature a removable distal limb, now standard on the full horse model.

Related products: Equine Theriogenology modelEquine GI Tract & Equine Palpation/Colic simulator.

Please see Additional and Replacement Parts Equine

Price upon request.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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