Exotic Pet Medicine and Surgery, Basic Avian Techniques, Volume 1: Avian Blood Collection
By M. Scott Echols
Record number: | d83c7 (legacy id: 5843) |
Category: | Medicine - Surgery |
Type: | CD-ROM |

The Exotic Pet Medicine and Surgery Series deals with commonly performed diagnostic (blood collection, biopsy, sexing, cytologic, microbiological and necropsy) procedures, and basic therapeutic procedures such as abdominocentesis, enteral feeding and catheterization procedures. Table of Contents: Jugular Venipuncture; Basillic (Wing Vein) Venipuncture; Medial Metatarsal Venipuncture; Foot Web Venipuncture; Cardiac Puncture; Occipital Venous Sinus Collection; Chorioallantoic Vessel Collection.
Comments & References: Volume 1 in a Video Series on CD-ROM. Running time: 20 minutes. Please see record numbers 5844 and 5845 for the other two CD-ROMs in this Series. Also available from Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), http://www.cve.edu.au.
ISBN-10: 1-5916-1019-2; ISBN-13: 978-1-5916-1019-9
Version: 2006
Price: US$50.00 each
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