Model lamb for tail docking and castration

The Royal Veterinary College uses modified lamb models to allow students to practise tail docking and castration prior to undertaking the task on real lambs.

Lamb Model

The Royal Veterinary College uses modified lamb models to allow students to practise tail docking and castration prior to undertaking the task on real lambs.

The model lambs were modified to contain firm tubing in the tail (which was also made longer by adding a fleece cover).  To simulate the testes, olive pips are used, surrounded by satin-like fabric for a sensation of slip, and some light wadding inside a fleece fabric outer.  The students can practise using the applicator without having to restrain a live animal at the same time.  The olive pips are a similar size to the testis in real life and more realistic than the marbles that were used in the past.  These also allow students to feel that they have palpated two testicles and thus have completed the task properly.

Please also see the ewe simulator used by the College.

More information may be obtained from Isobel Faiers or Nicola Blackie at the Royal Veterinary College, London.

This page was updated on 24 February 2022

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