
PowerLab from AD Instruments is a data recording system that can be used to monitor physiology and pharmacology experiments. Type: Miscellaneous. Category: Physiology (human).

PowerLab from AD Instruments is a data recording system that can be used to monitor physiology and pharmacology experiments. The flexibility of the system enables students to learn by discovery and experimentation. Students can make themselves as subjects by recording, displaying and analysing their own physiological data.

It can be used with force, displacement, pressure and many other types of transducers, which also makes it suitable for animal labs.

Developed in 1985, PowerLab has been a reliable product for an entire generation of scientists and educators, offering a simple and flexible solution for almost all types of physiological data acquisition.

PowerLabs are capable of recording at speeds of up to 400,000 samples per second continuously to disk (aggregate), and are compatible with instruments, signal conditioners, and transducers supplied by ADInstruments and many other leading brands.

AD Instruments also supply the Lt online learning platform with ready-to-use and editable content for the life sciences, nursing and medicine.

Suitable for undergraduate students.

Please also see these Physiology and Pharmacology simulations by Dr. David Dewhurst.

This page was updated on 02 March 2021

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