Pregnancy & Rectal Palpation Kit
Record number: | 08a61 |
Category: | Handling - Medicine - Education and training |
Type: | Simulator |

Pregnancy & Rectal Palpation Kit is a teaching aid for manual pregnancy check and ovarian diagnostics. The system enables the students to place the uterus inside on an intestine cushion and the cow body allows for a realistic feeling and palpation of the entire tract, including cervix, uterine horns and different variations of ovaries.
Students can check the most important signs of an early pregnancy (enlarged, fluid filled horn and membrane slip). Additionally, the trainer can set up different cycle stages by exchanging ovaries which feature different functional bodies (small follicles, large follicle, Corpus luteum, cyst).
Pregnancy stage approx. day 42/60, foetus contained, pregnant horn enlarged, pregnant horn fluid filled to imitate amniotic fluids, two membranes to enable training of manual membrane slip for pregnancy diagnostics, intestine cushion for optimal palpation experience.
Item number: B800-000
Accessories & related products: Birthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance, Calf Disbudding Horn Buds & Birthing Kit.
Price: $801.55
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