The Biology Corner: Cow Eye Dissection
Record number: | 68e09 |
Category: | Dissection - Education and training |
Type: | Web pages |

Cow Eye Dissection is a gallery that contains images of the cow eye dissection. This guide contains step by step instructions on how to cut the eye and identify the major features, such as the cornea, sclera, retina, vitreous humor, lens, and optic nerve. Students can use Cow Eye Virtual Dissection & Cow Eye Dissection through the dissection procedure. Please also see Cow Eye Dissection Teacher's Guide.
Images of other dissection procedures from The Biology Corner: Frog Dissection, Squid Dissection, Fetal Pig Dissection & Rat Dissection.
For comparison please see:
- Cow's Eye Dissection
- Dissection 101 - Cow Eye Dissection
- Preserved Cow Eyes
- Cow Eye Dissection Guide
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