The Glass Horse: Equine Colic CD
Record number: | ba111 (legacy id: 5368) |
Category: | Anatomy - Pathology |
Type: | CD-ROM |

The Glass Horse: Equine Colic CD provides a comprehensive exploration of equine abdominal anatomy, the veterinarian's approach to diagnosis, and detailed 3-D animations depicting 28 diseases. Interactivity and self-assessment features are components of this program. The CD features: Detailed Normal Anatomy; 28 Diseases Animated; Abdominal Ultrasonography; Rectal Exam Simulations; The Diagnostic Workup.
Please also see The Glass Horse: Elements of the Equine Distal Limb. May be purchased at Science in 3D, US$80.00 each, and at the Equine Veterinary Journal Bookstore (BEVA),
This item may be borrowed for up to 6 weeks through the Alternative Loan System of the International Network for Humane Education (InterNICHE), free of charge, but return postage must be paid by the person who has borrowed the product. Please note that there are practical limitations on where some items can be sent. Please contact and see for more information.
Related products: The Glass Dog (thorax and abdomen)
Computer type: Windows and Mac OSX (Please be aware that the following download is 600MBs. A high speed internet conection is strongly recommended).
Price: $29.99 USD
Publication date: 2008 (February)
Author: Jim Moore
Free of charge Loan Program: Free of charge
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