The Glass Horse: Horse Owner's Guide to Colic, v1.1

This CD provides a comprehensive exploration of the equine abdominal anatomy, animation illustrating signs of colic, detailed 3-D animations depicting more than 9 different diseases, and the veterinarian's approach. Type of record: CD-ROM. Category: Anatomy and Pathology

Horse Owners guide to Colic v1.1

This CD provides a comprehensive exploration of the equine abdominal anatomy (normal anatomy), animation illustrating signs of colic, detailed 3-D animations depicting more than 9 different diseases, and the veterinarian's approach. The CD also includes a question and answer section with an equine Vet. 

Comments & References: Suitable for Horse Owners and others interested in equine anatomy. Available as a Download Version with CD, and as a CD Only Version. Please Note: A High-speed connection is strongly recommended for the download version. If a high-speed connection is not available, the CD Only Version is recommended. For more information, please click here.
Version: 1.1
Computer types: Windows and Mac OS X
Price: US$29.95 each
This page was updated on 22 May 2019

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