The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates (DVD and Book)

By Keith Franklin & George Paxinos

This book provides research workers and students with accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference.   Type of record: DVD & Book.   Category: Anatomy

The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic (7988)

This book provides research workers and students with accurate stereotaxic coordinates for laboratory use, and detailed delineations and indexing of structures for reference.   The accompanying DVD provides drawings of brain structures that can be used as templates for making figures for publication.   This edition is a major revision and an expansion of previous editions.   Delineations and photographs in the horizontal plane of section now complement the coronal and sagittal series, and all the tissue sections are now shown in high resolution digital colour photography.   The photographs of the sections and the intermediate sections are also provided on the accompanying DVD in high resolution JP 2000 format.   The delineations of structures have been revised, and naming conventions made consistent with Paxinos and Watson's Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 6th Edition.

Comments & References: Third Edition.   360 pages.   Hardcover.   Accompanied with a DVD.   Suitable for neuroscientists and research workers in related fields such as cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, and psychology who are working with the mouse as an experimental model.   Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier.   Please see record number 7988 in TextBase for the same product.

ISBN-13: 978-0-12-369460-7 (DVD + Book); ISBN-10: 0-12-369460-4 (DVD + Book)

Price: DVD + Book: £115.00; US$199.95; Euro 169.95

Publication date: 2007

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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