Vetiqo - Vein small

This two-layered vein simulator provides the opportunity to train surgical ligatures in the intestines, as well as different types of anastomosis.

Vein Small

This two-layered vein simulator provides the opportunity to train surgical ligatures in the intestines, as well as different types of anastomosis. It mimics the properties of the venous tissue in dogs and cats, and is therefore suitable for practising incisions, sutures and various anastomosis techniques under realistic conditions. The visual and textural demarcation between Tunica intima and Tunica externa enables different suturing practices.

The vein simulators are reusable, tear-resistant and retain their shape and texture after repeated use. The practical vein holder can be used to mount the vein in a vertical or a horizontal position, as required.

Lenght: ca. 24 cm
Diameter: ca. 0,6 cm
Layers: Tunica interna, Tunica externa
Article no. #001-110-00

Vein holder and Instruments are not included in the scope of delivery but may be ordered separately.

Accessories & related productsVein & bowel holderColon, Vein largeSurgical suture, Instrument KitPad holder (S)Linea alba – dogIV pad – small animalSkin – small animalBlood collection pad – small animalSkin – horseSkin - cow Teat – cow.

Please watch Vetiqo's YouTube channel

Please see the Vetiqo website for more information about prices.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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