A Norwegian Platform for Alternatives to Animal Experimentation
By Kleveland, Live
Record number: | 4eb8e (legacy id: 7829) |

The aim of this report is to explain the purposes of the Platform by increasing the use and understanding of the 3 R's (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in the field of animal experimentation.
Table of Contents: Introduction; The Purposes of the Platform; The Choice of Organisational Model; Proposed Organisational Structure; The Board; The Council; The Election Committee; Conversion; Practical Organisation; Summary; References; Appendix I-IV.
First Edition. 48 pages. Softcover. Language: English, Appendix II & III in Norwegian.
A report from The Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway, 2005. Printed by Allkopi Fornebu. The rentire report is available here. This publication is part of a project financed by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to establish a platform for increasing implementation of the 3 R's (Replace, Reduce, Refine) in Norwegian research.
Please see record numbers 7822, 7823 and 7830 for other reports in the same series.
ISBN: 82-7725-121-1
Year: 2005
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