Acts and Regulations concerning the Care and Use of Fish in Norwegian Research
By Johansen, Renate; Knudsen, Gunvor & Smith, Adrian J.
Record number: | e7a99 (legacy id: 7822) |

The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the Acts and Regulations dealing with the care and use of fish in research in Norway. The report includes Regulations that demand the use of fish in the development of medicines (including fish vaccines), testing of chemicals and toxin diagnosis. Emphasis is also placed on how these legislations affects implementation of the 3 R's.
Table of Contents: Important comments; Introduction; Acknowledgements; Summary; Main conclusions; The Animal Welfare Act; The Regulation relating to experiments with animals; The European Convention (ETS 123); The EU Directive (86/609/EEC); Acts and Regulations for farmed fish in Norway; Other Regulations: Regulations concerning field studies, Regulations on import, export and movement of fish, Regulations on disinfection, Legislation on genetically modified fish; Testing of medicinal products; Testing of chemicals and toxins; Guidelines; Links and references.
First Edition. 22 pages. Softcover. Language: English. A report from The Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway. Printed by Allkopi Fornebu. The entire report is available here. This publication is part of a project financed by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority to establish a platform for increasing implementation of the 3 R's in Norwegian research.
Please see record numbers 7823, 7829 and 7830 for other reports in the same series.
ISBN: 82-7725-113-0
Year: 2005
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