Animal Liberation: A New Ethics For Our Treatment of Animals
By Singer, Peter
Record number: | 885a2 (legacy id: 8146) |

Today, as never before, we are subjecting animals to scientific experimentation, wearing furs and leather goods, and eating commercially produced meats - casually accepting slaughter as a necessary way of life, and carefully ignoring the inhumanity and illogic of our behavior. There are extensive federally financed programs in which animals are poisoned, starved and tortured, although many authorities now say the experiments are not worth doing and yield results not worth publishing. Singer describes this cruelty we impose upon other animals with logic and restraint. He shows how, whenever we start to become aware of our practices, we marshal a host of rationalizations to defend them.
First Edition. Paperback. 297 Pages. May be available from Amazon.
Year: 1975
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