Cognitive Aids for Anaesthesia in Small Animal Practice
By Matt McMillan
Record number: | 90f03 |

The BSAVA has published Cognitive Aids for Anaesthesia in Small Animal Practice, a guide that should help any veterinary surgical team to reduce the incidence of anaesthetic complications.
Cognitive aids are visual prompts that aim to reduce human error in critical processes by providing a supportive framework that ensures tasks are performed and communicated appropriately. They are designed for use whilst a task is being undertaken and enable individuals to concentrate on problem-solving and decision-making.
Written by veterinary anaesthesia specialist Matt McMillan, it includes both routine checklists, such as pre-anaesthetic assessment, equipment checks and postoperative handover, and crisis checklists for potential complications that may be encountered during surgery, such as hypotension, bradycardia and haemorrhage.
The guide also includes downloadable forms, which can be used in practice to ensure safety checks are completed and help improve clinical outcomes (available from
An article about this publication (from which this text is taken) can be read here.
Soft cover, 68 pages.
Print version: ISBN 978 1 910443 75 0
Online version also available.
Year: 2020
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