Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior

By Bekoff, Marc


What is it like to be a dog, or a chimpanzee, or an ant? How do animals communicate? Why do they play? Can animals feel emotions like empathy and grief? These and many other questions are answered in the Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. This encyclopedia is a comprehensive and accessible resource on the scientific study of animal hebaviour. The contributors are a group of international well-respected animal behaviour scholars and authorities from many different disciplines, including biology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, veterinary medicine, law, and religious studies. Entries examine a broad array of different species and behaviour patterns, using techniques that range from molecular approaches to the study of behaviour to analyses of individuals, populations, species, and ecosystems. Informed by the best and most recent scholarship, entries are written with the lay public in mind, and all material is explained in understandable, jargon-free language. This user-friendly resource will appeal to students and scholars of animal behaviour, animal advocates and anyone with a love for animals. This encyclopedia includes many features for anyone interested in animals. More than 200 entries on topics from"Friendship in Animals" to "Communication Behavior in Singing Birds." More than 300 photographs charts, and diagrams that illustrate aspects of animal behaviour. Numerous sidebars on behaviours that help illuminate the more abstract and theoretical concepts. Entries on the usefulness of animal behaviour in such careers as conservation biology and animal-assisted therapy in counseling and in hospitals and hospices. The encyclopedia will instill great respect and wonder at the mysteries of the animal world.

Hardcover. 1200 pages in Three Volumes. For more information please see the ABC-CLIO website.

ISBN: 0-313-32745-9.

Year: 2004
This page was updated on 29 June 2022

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