Experimental Design for the Life Sciences
By Graeme D. Ruxton and Nick Colegrave
Record number: | 92c0a |

The careful design of experiments lies at the core of good research. Experimental Design for the Life Sciences is designed to equip scientists with the skills they need to effectively design experiments, making this essential aspect of the research process readily understandable. It demonstrates how good experimental design relies on clear thinking and biological understanding, not mathematical or statistical complexity.
Using examples drawn from across the life sciences - from ecology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and health sciences - the authors illustrate how these concepts are applied within the broad context of real biological research.
Table of Contents:
1:Why you should care about design
2:Starting with a well-defined hypothesis
3:Selecting the broad design of your study
4:Between-individual variation, replication, and sampling
6:Sample size, power, and efficient design
7:The simplest type of experimental design: completely randomized single-factor
8:Experiments with several factors (factorial designs)
9:Beyond complete randomization: blocking and covariates
10:Within-subject designs
11:Taking measurements
An Online Resource Centre which accompanies Experimental Design for the Life Sciences features:
For students:
· Self-test questions and answers
· Additional examples
· Supplementary sections discuss complex concepts and statistical issues in more depth
· Links to useful websites and free software
For lecturers:
· Suggested course structures, complete with practical exercises
· Figures from the book, available to download
224 pages, 35 b/w illustrations.
ISBN: 9780198717355
Price: £29.99
Year: 2016
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