Handbook of Veterinary Drugs, Third Edition

By Editors Allen, Dana G.; Dowling, Patricia M.; Smith, Dale A.; Pasloske, Kirby; Woods, J. Paul

Handbook of Veterinary Drugs (7089)

This drug reference handbook covers current drugs and veterinary practices. The book format is concise, portable and easy to use, and offers readers immediate access to essential information on therapies for dogs, cats, horses, ruminant species, pigs, birds, rodents, rabbits, ferrets and reptiles. Drugs are organised by small, large and exotic species. Each section begins with a table of dosages, followed by an alphabetically organised entries of commonly prescribed medications. Entries include the generic drug name (and U.S. and Canadian trade names), indications, administration routes, adverse and common side effects, drug interactions, formulations and additional drug uses. Dosage conversion tables and formulas are easy to find and use. An easy-scan index is also included.

Third Edition. 1136 Pages. Available as a Paperback. Also available as a Book for PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) CD-ROM; and PDA CD-ROM only. Thoroughly updated on current drugs and practices and Small Animal section with analgesics information. A Wiley-Blackwell publication. For more information, please click here.  A review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, July 2006, Volume 40 (3), p.318-319. 

ISBN: 978-0-781-74126-2

Price: US$94.75

Year: 2004
This page was updated on 05 September 2022

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