Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals: Digestive System

By Jones, Thomas C.; Popp, James A. & Mohr, Ulrich

Digestive System (6031)

Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals is designed to facilitate the development of a standardized histopathological nomenclature for scientists engaged in the safety testing of foods, drugs, and chemicals.   The monograph series covers the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, endocrine, genital, haemopoietic, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems, eye and ear, and integument and mammary glands of commonly used laboratory rodents and nonhuman primates. Extensive discussion of immunodeficiency, herpesvirus, bacterial, and other infections and pathological conditions of nonhuman primates is also included. Well illustrated, each volume provides comprehensive coverage of the topics involved. This edition proposes standardized nomenclature that is being used internationally, gaining significant acceptance. The result is improved communication of pathologic data to regulatory agencies and in scientific publications worldwide.   New information on the nature and variability of preneoplastic lesions in the liver of laboratory rodents is included. The book expands data on the accompanying changes in enzyme activity in affected liver cells.   Spongiosis hepatis in the rat and its relation to spongiotic pericytoma are discussed thoroughly. Information on many other pathologic entities is brought up to date, making it an even more useful and expanded reference text.

Second Revised Edition. 457 pages. 394 figures and 30 tables. Softcover and eBook. Suitable for pathologists, toxicologists, and others concerned with evaluating toxicity and carcinogenicity studies. This title is part of the 12-volume series called Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals (record number 7079). Please see record numbers 6032, 6033, 6034, 6035, 6036, 7080, 7081, 7082, 7083, 7084 and 7085 for the other individual volumes in this series. A review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, October 1997, Volume 31, Number 4, page 382. Table of Contents. 

See Springer's website for more information.

ISBN: Softcover: 978-3-642-64421-4, eBook: 978-3-642-60473-7

Price: Softcover: €129.99, eBook: €106.99


Year: 1997
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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