Neuroanatomy of the Zebrafish Brain. A Topological Atlas
By Wullimann, Mario F.; Rupp, Barbara & Reichert, Heinrich
Record number: | ae0f7 (legacy id: 6703) |
Because of development of sophisticated genetic manipulation and mutant generation techniques, the zebrafish, Danio (Brachydanio) rerio, is becoming a major model system for the study of nervous system development and function at the molecular, cellular, and systems level. This presentation provides a neuroanatomical overview of the zebrafish brain and identifies the major subdivisions, nuclei, and tracts within it, based mainly on comparison with the well-known brain of the goldfish. Photographs and schematic drawings of sagittal and horizontal sections are accompanied by discussion of the major subdivisions and fiber connections, as well as details about their functional significance.
140 pages. Hardcover. Paperback. e-Book. A Birkhäuser book. Also available from Amazon.
ISBN: Hardover: 978-3764351205, Paperback: 978-3034898522, e-Book: 978-3-0348-8979-7
Price: eBook: EUR 74.89
Year: 2019
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