Parasites of Laboratory Animals
By Owen, Dawn G.
Record number: | b260b (legacy id: 6104) |

An illustrated practical guide to the identification of laboratory animal parasites. This handbook provides research workers with a rapid means of identifying the most common parasites (ecto- and endoparasites) of laboratory rodents, lagomorphs and primates. Each group of parasites is described together with illustrations of their anatomy and the pathological changes associated with infection. Other sections cover methods of isolation and preservation; and treatment. The handbook also includes comprehensive host-parasite lists.
Techniques; Ectoparasites: Endoparasites; Treatment; Host-Parasite lists; Laboratory Protocols; References; Glossary; Index.
Part of the Laboratory Animal Handbook Series, No. 12. The other two handbooks in the series cover Health & Safety in Laboratory Animal Facilities and Design of animal experiments.
170 pages. 90 illustrations. Paperback. ISBN: 978- 1-85315-159-0
Price: £30.00 (currently unavailable).
See also record number 7933 for "Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals" (authored by David G. Baker).
Year: 1992
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